Friday, December 20, 2013

Muddled Male Mayhem

The final Saturday at Salamanca before Christmas is usually rather busy.  Along with the usual last-minute Christmas gift hunters it brings with it a collection of confused men.  I like to call it 'Muddled Male Mayhem'.  Yes, it's the day that many males have put aside to do their entire Christmas shopping, and they're often hunting for that one special gift for their significant other. 

As a consequence, there are a lot of completely bewildered men wondering around Salamanca, considering buying the first thing they see and running triumphantly back to the shelter of their cars, but deep down knowing that they should put a little bit of time and thought into their purchase.

In recent years, I've had many males arrive at my marquee, upon instruction from their partner, smile like they've won an award because they actually found the marquee they had been told to look for (thats quite a task with over 300 stalls) and then completely draw a blank on what it was that they were sent to purchase.  

So, if you (I'm assuming you are a female) would like your significant other to purchase a piece from Pili Pala this year as a Christmas gift,  I have a 4 step plan for making it happen...

1) Go to my 'look book' (click here) and print the relevant pages that contain items that you like.

2) Circle a selection of pieces that take your fancy.

3) Write 'Pili Pala Pieces' and 'facing Knopwoods Tavern, backing onto the grass' on the back of the page.  

4) Hand the above printed pages to your partner and give him the ol' 'nudge, nudge, wink, wink'. 

Voila and Ho, ho, ho!

We'll be at Site 169 tomorrow at Salamanca; yep, facing Knoppies and backing onto the grass.  Do pop by and say hello; we will be bursting at the seams with goodies. 

Helen x

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