After many, many months of waiting to see if we got in, and then finally being accepted, we had our very first stall at the famous Salamanca Market on Saturday. And what a day it was! I lost all feeling in my fingers for at least 3 hours, and was laughed at by customers and Mirri (
Jasmine Rose) alike for my incapacity to write, handle money and package products. But, nothing was going to stop me soaking up the vibe! There was a lot of interest and many a business card handed out and overall it was a very decent day for our first attempt. I think some minor stall set-up changes are in order - its a whole different thing to selling at an inside, cosy market!

('Two little dickie birds' tea-towel range - better photos to come shortly)
The most exciting this was that my 'Two little dickie birds' tea-towel and tote-bag range was finally complete and up for the taking. Peter and Paul were strutting their stuff and grabbed the attention (and a giggle or two) of many a passer-by! It does bring back memories and a smile to your face.
I'll be back at Salamanca this Saturday again, so please pop past and say hello. And while you're there, introduce yourself to Peter and Paul!
(My new tip-shop 'doctors case' purchase)
(Another trusty tip-shop purhase - great for a Sale box)
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