Sunday, December 18, 2011

One week 'til....

With one week 'til Christmas I have been reflecting on what a MASSIVE year it has been for me and Pili Pala.  I've had a baby, run a market, kept my other baby (Pili Pala) ticking along, designed a mass of new and lovely products, and expanded the Pili Pala brand into every state in the country (o.k. - we haven't made it into the N.T. just yet, but 6 out of 7 is pretty good, right?!).

So, whats next?  Well, a new range is due to be released in February 2012 and it's well underway.  But first, a little break at the beginning of January to spend in the sun, camping, swimming and enjoying the world.

 Finally - I would like to wish you a very happy Christmas and to say thank you to you.  Thanks for your support and for being interested in what I do.  I can't believe that I left my full-time (stable and sure-thing) profession 2 years ago to take this on!  I'm so grateful that this is what I get to do, and still find it hard to believe that this is my job.  Heres to another year of fun times at the Pili Pala headquarters.

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